Personal Loan Requirements Information

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Old Mutual LoansWe all experience financial challenges of one type or another. Often these require that we supplement our income through credit facilities like personal loans. Most institutions now provide a Personal loan online calculator to give you an indication of personal loan requirement information. Although personal loans application online are paperless you might still be requ

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ired to send out copies of your particulars. It is very important to know the requirements when applying for a loan. This is because it is frustrating to get your application rejected for not meeting the requirements.  Here is what you should know when you are considering applying for a personal loan:
General requirements when applying for a personal loan:

Cell, Work or Home number
Proof Employment Status: whether you are permanent or temporary
Company Name and Address
Company HR Department Number
Period Employed by company
How long has the company you work for been in business?
Monthly Gross and Nett Income
How does your salary get paid to you
Frequency of salary e.g. weekly or monthly
Bank Account statement with proof of salary deposits

When you Apply for a Personal Loan Online or use the Personal Loan Application Online, Personal Loan Repayment Calculator be sure you know the requirements and have the above ready.