How to claim UIF online step by step

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To apply for UIF benefits online, you first have to register on uFiling to obtain a login name and password. To register for uFilling, visit and click “Register” on the top right hand corner of the page. Accept the terms and conditions and the click “Continue” and complete the activation process.

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How to claim UIF online step by step

  1. Login to your uFiling account and click on “Benefit Application and Payments” on the left side of the page. Next, click on “Apply for Benefits.”
  2. Choose the type of benefit you wish to apply for and click “Apply” on bottom right.
  3. Tick the check box to accept the terms and conditions, and then click “Next.”
  4. Verify your bank details and click “Next.”
  5. In case the details are incorrect, click “Banking Details Incorrect?” You would need to download the U12.8 form from the Department of Labour website
  6. You must fill one section of the form while your bank must fill the second section. Email the filled form to
  7. Confirm your personal details such as addresses and click “Next.”
  8. Complete your occupation and qualifications details and click “Next.”
  9. Update your work seeker information and click “Submit.” You will receive a confirmation message if your application is successfully submitted to UIF.
  10. You can check your UIF Status Online

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