How to close your Nedbank account

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  1. Locate the nearest Nedbank Branch in your region.
  2. Taken an appropriate identification proof document with you.
  3. Visit the branch of the Nedbank personally.
  4. Check if you have any dues or negative balance in your bank account.
  5. Clear the dues. (if any)
  6. Take the proper steps to bring down your bank account balance to zero.
  7. Go to the help desk or the bank account management section.
  8. Tell the bank officials that you want to close your bank account.
  9. Provide your reason to close the account and follow the instructions given to you by the bank officials.

How to Contact Nedbank?

You may also contact Nedbank Helpline on 0860 444 000 or. Email the specialised feedback team on (remember to always include your name and contact details)

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