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Send And Receive Money For Free With Shoprite Money Market Account. all you have to do is visit any Shoprite Money Market counter or till point. Take your ID, the money you want to send, plus R9,99 for the transfer. The money can be sent to anyone and they can collect it immediately at any Shoprite store in South Africa.

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After you’ve selected and entered a secret 4-digit PIN, you’ll be given a Money Market transfer number M Number. Make sure you only give these numbers to the person who will collect the money on the other side.

There is no expiration on your money withdrawal, however we recommend withdrawing it sooner than later to avoid losing your unique 4 digit pin.

How to collect money sent using Shoprite Money Market

Visit your nearest participating outlet with your green book or card ID to collect any amount of up to R5000 per day. Note, you can collect a total of R25000 per month from our Money Market counters. Provide the teller with the Money Market transfer and PIN number you received from the sender and collect your money.

 If you forgot your PIN for Shoprite money transfer, reset it by contacting the call centre using the number 0860 01 07 09.

You can send or collect money from any Shoprite, Checkers, Usave store or Money Market counters at OK Furniture and House & Home stores.