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Check Your Tv License Balance Online or via SMS. To check your Tv License Balance, SMS your ID number or TV Licence number to 44210 and you will get your TV licence balance via SMS. To check your TV License Balance online your , tv licence account online and view your balance, when is my TV Licence due, follow these simple steps.
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- Visit Television licence website at
- Click ” Sign In”
- Enter your ID number or TV licence account number the click “sign”
- Your SABC TV licence balance will be displayed on the screen
SABC TV licence banking details
If you wish to pay at a bank or ATM, the SABC TV licence bank details are as follows:
- ABSA – Account Number: 2840 000 241, Branch No: 632005
- FNB – Account Number: 620 094 349 87, Branch No: 250 655
- Standard Bank – Account Number: 002 351 234, Branch No: 051 001
- Nedbank – payments can be made over the counter at any Nedbank branch.
In case you wish to make your payment via internet banking or mobile banking, the bank details are as follows:
- Account Name: TV Licences
- Bank Name: ABSA
- Account No: 4050 720 141
- Branch No: 33 51 05
- Reference No: (Use your TV licence account number as your reference number)
- Enter only your correct nine-digit TV licence number in the beneficiary reference field.
How to Cancel your TV License
If you need to cancel your tv license,, you need to make the relevant statement (lost, disposed, sold) at the nearest Commissioner of Oaths or inform the SABC through a pro forma affidavit to cancel your license.
Simply follow these steps to cancel your TV License:
- Fill the pro forma affidavit correctly.
- You can pick it up at the nearest SABC office.
- Forward it to as a cancellation request.
- You can as well contact the SABC on 011 330 9555 to initiate cancellation.