How to cancel FNB Funeral Cover using the App

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Life can be full of unexpected turns, and sometimes that means adjusting your financial commitments. If you’re looking to cancel your FNB funeral cover, the good news is you can do it conveniently through the FNB app. Here’s a step-by-step guide to make the process smooth and hassle-free:

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Before you start:

  • Double-check your policy details: Make sure you have your policy number and any other relevant information readily available.
  • Consider alternatives: Before canceling, explore options like reducing your cover amount or switching to a different policy that better suits your needs.
  • Understand the implications: Cancelling your policy might have consequences like termination fees or loss of coverage.

Now, let’s get started on the FNB app

  1. Open the FNB App and log in securely.
  2. Navigate to the “Insurance” section. This might be located under “Investments” or another relevant tab depending on your app version.
  3. Select “Funeral Cover.” You might see different options depending on the type of cover you have.
  4. Choose “Manage Policy.” This will open a detailed view of your policy information.
  5. Look for the “Cancel Policy” option. It might be under “Policy Actions” or another similar section.
  6. Review the cancellation details carefully. This will include any fees or penalties associated with canceling.
  7. Confirm your decision and follow the on-screen instructions. You might need to provide a reason for cancellation or answer some additional questions.

Once you’ve submitted your cancellation request:

  • You’ll receive a confirmation email or notification within the app.
  • Keep a copy of the confirmation for your records.
  • Make sure to stop any automatic debit orders associated with your policy.


  • Cancelling your policy through the app is generally the quickest and easiest option.
  • If you encounter any difficulties, you can always contact FNB customer support for assistance.
  • Consider seeking financial advice if you’re unsure about canceling your policy or need help finding alternative coverage.

By following these steps, you can cancel your FNB funeral cover on the app with ease. Remember, making informed financial decisions is crucial, so take your time, explore your options, and choose the path that best suits your needs.

Bonus tip: Keep an eye out for FNB’s in-app promotions and offers. You might find alternative funeral cover options with competitive rates or features that better align with your current situation.