How to cancel Safebase Debit Order

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SafeBase is a subscription service, and members can choose from a variety of plans to suit their needs. For a monthly fee, members can access the full range of SafeBase services, or they can choose a plan that covers specific services, such as home repairs and maintenance or emergency assistance.

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SafeBase is a popular choice for homeowners in South Africa, as it provides a convenient and affordable way to get help with a variety of home-related needs. SafeBase is also a good option for people who are new to South Africa or who are unfamiliar with the local area, as they can rely on SafeBase to help them find and book qualified service providers.

You can cancel your monthly Safebase debit order with prior  20 Business Days’ notice written consent. Your debit order date will be aligned with your salary date to account for seasonal or economic changes.

Customer Care department details are as follows:

Customer Care Inbound Contact Number: 0861 115 353
Customer Care Email Support: